Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New York missive no 71 - Fragile sleep

Everything is so fragile, including sleep. His sleep and ours, we never know how long it will last.

The little señor JNH came into the world early in the morning on Saturday 15 May 2010 at New York Downtown Hospital. There should be a verb for “born”. “Was born” is much too passive.

He opened his eyes just a few hours later. Bewildered, awed, he took in what he could make of his surroundings, slowly opening and closing his mouth at the same time. At that point his surroundings were only whatever was within 12 inches of his face. Over the next few months and years, that radius will reach further and further away.

I’m now savouring the moments of wonder and immersed in a milk production effort. More to come...

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